FAQ - Microsoft Word Export

Mike Jackson

Last Update il y a un an

1. Is a Microsoft Word document exported from Prolegis automatically saved in Prolegis?

The Microsoft Word document is not automatically saved in Prolegis but is downloaded to your computer.  

2. If I make changes in Prolegis and then export to Microsoft Word, are the changes included in the Microsoft Word document?

The changes you make in the Text Editor will be exported to Microsoft Word, however, if you want to save those changes in Prolegis, you will also need to create the document as a PDF.

3. If I adjust the table columns in my editor view will the text appear that same in the created PDF or in the Microsoft Word Document?

The Text Editor is designed to allow you to quickly and easily create professional-looking documents. Where advanced editing of a particular document is required where the precise placement of content (for example, where words break on a line) or where the ability to adjust margins on screen is needed, users may want to consider exporting the document to Microsoft Word.

The user can also use the Document Styles functionality to create a number of different versions of the firm’s letterhead to allow the user to quickly and easily adjust their documents.

4. Will the visible grid lines on a table be visible when I export the document to word?

Although the vertical grid lines are not visible in Microsoft Word, the user can adjust the Word menu bar so the ruler is visible (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/show-the-ruler-dc8a4e0d-209f-43b8-b967-8e65da24d4c7). The user can then see where the columns begin and end and adjust those columns as desired.

5. When I export a Document Package with headers for each document to Microsoft Word, will the header only be visible on the first document?

The word export in Prolegis does not currently support the creation of Document Packages with headers on each document. Document Packages without headers are supported.

6. If I select page numbers will they be visible in the Microsoft Word document?

Page numbering in the Microsoft Word export is not currently supported.

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