How do I add a title to a matter

Mike Jackson

Last Update 3 ปีที่แล้ว

When you add a title to your matter, the title information and registrations are automatically added to your matter and are available for the completion of documents without requiring any double entry.

If you’ve already downloaded your title from SPIN II, go to the Titles Action and click “Add/Update From PDF”.  

Select the title from your file system and select the “Type” of file. The type is the stage of the file you are at (Initial, At Close, Pre Discharge, Final, Other).  

If you have more than one title for this matter, choose the “Position” of the title (Main, 2nd, 3rd, etc.).

You’ll then be brought to a screen where you can see the information taken from the title and an image of the title.  You can add or compare the names from title to the sellers/owner on your matter.

Once complete, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Approve”.

Your title is now added to your matter.

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