All-Inclusive Legal Fees and Disbursements

Mike Jackson

Last Update منذ عامين

Users can set whether the law firm will invoice in a standard way (sum of fees, disbursements, other charges) or all-inclusive fee where the firm sets the total for the invoice and the law firm’s fee is automatically adjusted based on the disbursements and other charges that are added to the invoice.

To set the method for invoicing, go to Firm > Fees (

and click on the box to the right of Real Estate and select the method (in the example - All-inclusive)

Click the arrow next to the box to see and then set the firm level amount for an all-inclusive fee for a purchase, sale and mortgage (these amounts can be overriden at the matter level).

Click ”Save” to save the changes.

To modify the invoice at the matter level, go to the Actions menu in the matter and select Fee Estimation

When the method for invoicing is ”all-inclusive”, you will see a highlighted line at the top of the list of items that represents the total amount, which can be overriden by modifying the the amount in the field.

To the right is a calculation of the ”margin”, which is the amount of the fee that will be payable to the law firm based on the all-inclusive amount and the disbursements and other charges.

To produce an invoice, go to Actions > Documents and search for the invoice / account / estimated account in the Precedent search bar. Click on the desired invoice.

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