Add and modify trust account information

Mike Jackson

Last Update 3 ปีที่แล้ว

  1. (if not already in the general settings window) Click "Practice" to deploy the Practice menu. Click "Settings" to deploy the Settings menu. Click “General"
  2. Click "+ Trust Account”
  3. Enter the name that is on the records of the bank for the trust account you are entering and the name of the Bank
  4. Insert the bank number (Canadian Financial Institution Number). For example: 
Bank of Montreal = 001
Scotia Bank = 002
Royal Bank of Canada = 003
  5. Insert the branch (transit) number for the trust account
  6. Insert the account number for the trust account. You can find these numbers at the bottom of your trust cheque. They will be in the following format: Transit (5 digits) Bank (3 digits) Account Number
  7. If this is the main trust account for the law firm, click the box next to "Is Default Account?” To add another trust account, click "+ Trust Account" and repeat the process.
  8. Click "Save"

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