Add and modify law firm name and contact information

Mike Jackson

Last Update vor 3 Jahren

  1. (if not already in the Settings - Profile window) Click "Practice" to deploy the Practice menu. Click "Settings" to deploy the Settings menu. Click “Profile"
  2. Insert the official name of the law firm. This name will be used as the name of
the law firm in all produced documents in Prolegis. If there is another name the law firm goes by, you can insert that information in Firm (common) name.
  3. Insert the main address for the law firm 
  4. What is my Prolegis Text / Fax Number - Prolegis assigns a unique fax and sms (texting) number to your firm. Correspondence sent from Prolegis will be sent from this number.
  5. Add firm contact information. Insert the law firm's main real estate phone, fax number and email address. Insert the law firm's website url (for example,
  6. Select "Gold" Account type if not already selected
  7. Prolegis allows for users to share precedent information with other users of Prolegis (this does not include confidential client information). This allows those users to leverage the knowledge and work of other lawyers in the field. If the firm wishes to share that information (produced by it and other firms) click the box next to "Enable features that require sharing”
  8. Click “Save”

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