Purchase Title Insurance in Prolegis

How do I purchase title insurance

Mike Jackson

Last Update एक वर्ष पहले

You can purchase title insurance right from the Prolegis platform.  Your file will automatically populate with the information from the title insurance policy once purchased and upload the documents into your online document file in Prolegis.  The title insurance fee will automatically be added to the Cash to Bring / Net Proceeds (Refinance). 

You can purchase a Chicago Title title insurance policy through Prolegis, and have the Chicago Title title insurance application populated with information from your matter.

For best results, fill out as much of the information in the matter prior to purchasing the title insurance.  Add title(s), tax certificate(s), purchase contract information, and mortgage information.

Once within the real estate matter, to purchase title insurance, go to the Actions menu and click on Insurance (Title/Fire).

To purchase the title insurance, click on the Actions button within the Chicago Title Insurance area.

When you click Purchase, a new window will open within the Chicago Title insurance application.  The application will be populated with the information from your file.   

Navigate through the application using the “Next” button and complete the incomplete questions.  Once complete you’ve completed all sections and confirmed that you would like to purchase the Chicago Title insurance, close the window and you will be back in the Prolegis system.  

You will now see the File # of the application and the Status.

If you need to edit the application, or want to see the updated status, click “Update Status”.  To retrieve the details from the policy once issued, click “Retrieve Details”.  To cancel the policy click “Cancel”.

Once the policy has been issued, the information is populated into the matter and the documents are available for download both from the Insurance (Title/Fire) action and the Documents action.  

The application can be edited after the issuance of the policy, by clicking on the Actions button within the Chicago Title Insurance area.

What if I am not currently signed up for Chicago Title Insurance?

When you submit your first order you will get a message advising you that you will need to register with Chicago Title before the policy can be released.  

You may want to register with Chicago Title before you submit your first order as it can take up to 3 hours for Chicago Title to complete the registration.  If you are pre-registered, there is no delay.

What if I haven't ordered title insurance from Chicago Title using Prolegis but am currently registered with Chicago title?

If you are an active client of Chicago Title there should be no issues when you submit your first order through Prolegis as long as you have used the same name for your firm as was used to set up the Chicago Title account.   If there is a discrepancy, then the Chicago Title system will think you are a new client and will ask you to register.

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